Reward Processing in Adolescents With Bipolar I Disorder

Just published a paper with Manpreet Singh. Link to the paper
Xu Cui
2 sec read

MatLab tip: format shortg

The default format of output in MatLab is like below: v = 1.0e+003 * 9.0579 1.2699 9.1338 6.3236 0.9754 What if you want the format to be v = 9057.9 1269.9 9133.8 6323.6 975.4 The answer is simple. Run the following command in MatLab: format shortg
Xu Cui
7 sec read


问:你这么年轻,为什么不找份工作,靠自己能力去吃饭,干嘛在这里乞讨? 乞者答:我跪在这里,是让自己的虚荣一败涂地。是让自己的面子,无地自容。是让自己的虚假,彻底崩溃。我不是因为吃饭而做乞丐,也不是因为
Xu Cui
0 sec read