3D Rotation

Assume you have a vector (x,y,z) and you want to rotate it to, say x-axis, you can multiply the rotation matrix to the vector. First, make the vector a column vector and append 1 to the end. It becomes a 4×1 matrix: v = x y z 1 Then, convert the
Xu Cui
46 sec read

The power of words

Several years ago in San Diego I was in a friend’s car when he hit the car in front. The accident was mild and nobody was injured. After the two cars pulled over, I was wondering what the other driver would say. He said, “I am sorry to me
Xu Cui
43 sec read

Reference slice in slice timing in SPM

I saw at least two web pages saying that the reference slice can be chosen during slice timing correction. For example, http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/doc/manual/spatial.htm. I disagree. Let’s take the first volume as example. Assume TR=2 and
Xu Cui
1 min read

Some formulas of linear regression

y: dependent variable X: independent variable r: residual $$y=X\beta+r$$ $$\beta=inv(X’*X)*X’*y$$ $$\sigma^2=r’*r/df$$ $$df=N-rank(X)$$ $$\sigma_\beta^2=\sigma^2inv(X’X)$$ $$T_\beta=\beta/\sigma_\beta$$ $$contrast variance = c
Xu Cui
14 sec read

spm_get, spm_select, and char

The mostly used functions I use in SPM is spm_get (for spm2) and spm_select (spm5 and 8).  These two functions are used to get files (usually image files). Frankly speaking I like spm_get much better as it’s intuitive and easy to use. Here is h
Xu Cui
1 min read

FSL environment setting

setenv FSLDIR /fs/quarry/cuixu/fsl41/fsl source ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.csh setenv PATH ${FSLDIR}/bin:${PATH}
Xu Cui
3 sec read

Messy desktop

Xu Cui
0 sec read

Too many emails

My gmail inbox has 12,000 emails. I receive ~30 emails (after removing junk mails) each day. Though I have set to display 100 emails per page but some important but unreplied emails soon disappear from the first page. I often “star” impor
Xu Cui
21 sec read

Famous brains

Text source: http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/MniTalairach Talairach brain (single) the brain dissected and photographed for the famous Talairach and Tournoux atlas. The atlas has Brodmann’s areas labelled, albeit in a rather approximat
Xu Cui
57 sec read