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本文作者是刘宁博士 作者简介:刘宁,塔夫斯大学生物医学工程博士(Tufts University),斯坦福大学脑科学方向科研人员。 Frontiers 杂志客座编辑(Guest Associate Editor for Fronti
Xu Cui
11 sec read


本文作者是刘宁博士 作者简介:刘宁,塔夫斯大学生物医学工程博士(Tufts University),斯坦福大学脑科学方向科研人员。 Frontiers 杂志客座编辑(Guest Associate E
Xu Cui
11 sec read

The Dolphin Game: Tips and Tricks for Hyperscanning with Children

Note: The following article is a guest post by Vanessa Reindl from University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany. She made our original hyperscanning game more interesting for children studies. She is very generous for sharing her experience as well as th
Xu Cui
2 min read

xjview 10.0 released

xjView is a viewing program to visualize fMRI images. It can also be used to visualize fNIRS data if you convert the fNIRS activation data to a brain image. Today, we released version 10.0. The main updates are: The AAL version is updated to AAL3v1 I
Xu Cui
14 sec read

fMRI Tips, Tutorials, Code, Examples   More  

nirs2img, create an image file from NIRS data

Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input data. Then theimage file can be viewed by a
Xu Cui
51 sec read

nirs2img, create an image file from NIRS data

Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input dat
Xu Cui
51 sec read

Fix narginchk Error using SPM

Today I downloaded SPM 12 latest version, and when I tried to start it complained: Error using narginchk (line 10) too many input arguments This error is caused by the conflict of multiple narginchk functions. To find out where they are, type >>
Xu Cui
18 sec read

6 experiments you should do with NIRS (vs fMRI)

Let’s be frank. Compared to fMRI, NIRS has a number of intrinsic weaknesses. The signal to noise ratio is lower, the spatial resolution is (10x) lower, it can’t measure the deep brain, and it only covers a portio
Xu Cui
4 min read

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第五十四期fNIRS Journal Club通知2024/07/27, 10am 黄鑫

Wanling Zhu
10 sec read

北京时间7/14日 9:30,文献鸟讲座:如何追踪最新文献(抽奖)

更多讲座见:https://www.storkapp.cn/marketing/templates/Stork1/webinar.php 文献鸟官方页面
Xu Cui
1 sec read

北京时间7/6日 9:30,文献鸟讲座:ChatPaper轻松阅读难懂的文献(抽奖)

更多讲座见:https://www.storkapp.cn/marketing/templates/Stork1/webinar.php 文献鸟官方页面
Xu Cui
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北京时间6/29日 16:00,文献鸟讲座:ChatPaper轻松阅读难懂的文献(抽奖)

更多讲座见:https://www.storkapp.cn/marketing/templates/Stork1/webinar.php 文献鸟官方页面
Xu Cui
1 sec read

第五十三期fNIRS Journal Club视频 李洪

Youtube: https://youtu.be/czyJTrXhees优酷:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQwNjc5OTk0OA==.html 个体在处理不同
Wanling Zhu
12 sec read

北京时间6/23日 9am,文献鸟讲座:大分析和文献引用网络(抽奖)

更多讲座见:https://www.storkapp.cn/marketing/templates/Stork1/webinar.php 文献鸟官方页面
Xu Cui
1 sec read

北京时间6/16日 10am,文献鸟讲座:告别中式英语,轻松地道英文写作(抽奖)

更多讲座见:https://www.storkapp.cn/marketing/templates/Stork1/webinar.php 写作助手官方页面
Xu Cui
1 sec read

第五十三期fNIRS Journal Club通知2024/06/22, 10am 李洪

Wanling Zhu
8 sec read