你是否曾经坐在电脑前,头疼于撰写一篇即将投稿的研究论文?万事开头难,前言部分似乎总是最难。 ——前言不仅要求你从广泛的视角介绍研究领域,还要逐步引导到具体的研究问题或假设。这时候你会想:如果有工具可以
北京时间2021/10/23,10:00am, 来自韩国釜山国立大学Keum-Shik Hong教授团队的杨大林同学为大家介绍了如何结合深度学习和近红外扫描技术实现早期老年痴呆症的识别,并分享深度学习
I am using a Canon Scanner (CanoScan LiDE 60). It has been working fine but it stopped working today with error message: Unable to open TWAIN source Here is how to fix it: Check if you have the following folder: C:\Windows\twain_32\CNQL60 If not, go
休斯顿地区的各位同学朋友,你们好! 我的名字叫袁雨涵,现年31岁,是哈尔滨工业大学的在读博士生。我于2012年3月确诊患有急性髓系白血病。在国内治疗了近7个月,在病情得到基本缓解的时候,却又发生了新的
Just published a paper with Manpreet Singh. Link to the paper
Found this funny video https://www.youtube.com/embed/3J9KhpgYVB0
Reference managing is pretty annoying. But you can’t do research without reading papers, and can’t write manuscript without citing papers. Here I recommend a program which will effectively solve this problem. Peaya Paper is like EndNote, but with the