Xu Cui



555 Stories by Xu Cui

AIR or Flex: Double click datagrid doesn’t work?

If so, you might forget to set doubleClickEnabled=true for the datagrid.
3 2 sec read

Retinotopy analysis with MrVista

This protocol is based on Rory Sayres‘ teaching. Download and install MrVista svn checkout https://white.stanford.edu/repos/vistasoft If you already downloaded an older version, use svn update https://white.stanford.edu/repos/vi
8 5 min read

Localize AIR/Flex applications

The very first thing to do is to create a locale file using copylocale utility. e.g. copylocale en_US zh_CN More detail can be found in http://www.herrodius.com/blog/123 and here is a copy from there: – open a command line (run as administrator
0 22 sec read

Data binding using pure actionscript

To call a function when a property of an object changes, use the following code BindingUtils.bindSetter(callThisFunction, aObject, "prop"); Note, callThisFunction is a setter (need one argument and return void) In MXML it’s easy to bin
1 1 min read


卧槽泥马:   ⑴形容识人不明.表示明明其能力不足.但上位者因为种种原因或糊涂.任其肆意妄为.   ⑵形容虚有其表,窃居名位者.表示即使给某人相应的地位.但其能力不足是无法改变的.(等同于烂泥扶不上墙
0 4 sec read

brain images: Change data type of brain image

Last update: 2012/09/04 An image file can be saved in different formats such as uint8 or int16, etc, based on different number of bytes used for each voxel. How to convert between them? Here is one solution using SPM functions (no need SPM’s in
2 1 min read

Brain AC-PC line

AC: anterior commissure PC: posterior commissure The Anterior Commissure (precommissure) is a bundle of white fibers, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres across the middle line, and placed in front of the columns of the fornix. On a sagittal sect
0 19 sec read

Talk by Frans de Waal

Today I listened to Frans de Waal’s talk on empathy in primates. It’s quite interesting. He wrote several popular books including “Chimpanzee Politics”. Links: Frans de Waal
0 5 sec read

View 200+ AIR/Flex samples (Tour de Flex)

http://flex.org/tour Especially checkout two applications: 1. Badger 2. Transparent video window
0 2 sec read