
Movie: blood flow increases in brain motor cortex during…

Ever wondered what happened to your brain when you tap your finger? See this movie: Link: In the above movie I used topo software (by Hitachi) to visualize the blood flow changes in the brain. The data was collected by Hit
Xu Cui
22 sec read

NIRS can’t measure deep brain, … maybe it can!

Is NIRS able to measure signal from deep brain structure, such as amygdala? The short answer is no. NIRS is only able to measure the surface of the brain. This is a serious limitation of NIRS compared to fMRI which is able to measure the entire brain
Xu Cui
1 min read

Using a smartphone to measure head motion in a…

Is it possible to use a smartphone to measure head motion in a NIRS study? Is it reliable? After all, smartphones are so popular right now and everybody has it. It would make head motion measurement much more convenient than a traditional stand-alone
Xu Cui
1 min read

How long is fMRI or NIRS signal delayed?

We know the hemodynamic signal measured by fMRI (or NIRS) is delayed respective to the onset of stimuli. But how long is the delay? Many people think it takes about 2s for the signal to arise. Actually the delay varies from region to region. As shown
Xu Cui
20 sec read

Sample NIRS finger tapping data

Description: The subject is myself. I did a simple finger tapping task. I continuously tapped my right hand on the table for 10s, then rest for 20s. Then repeat this tapping-rest cycle for 20 times. NIRS signals were recorded by Hitachi ETG-4000. The
Xu Cui
43 sec read

Use MatLab to move and click mouse, to press…

We have an interesting challenge in one of our projects. In our neuroimaging experiment, we need the participant to play a computer game while his brain is scanned (using a NIRS device ETG 4000 in this case). As you can imagine, we need to start the
Xu Cui
1 min read

xjView full package download

If you are interested in the full package of xjview, including nirs related scripts, please fill the following form: Name Email If you are only interested in the display function of xjview, please go to to download.
Xu Cui
9 sec read

Brain surface template

Sometimes we need to work on the surface of a brain. Here I create a surface mask based on the standard avg152T1 image (MNI space) for you to download. Visualized in xjview, you can see the mask in the yellow curved lines. It’s actually a surfa
Xu Cui
21 sec read

Handy programs to visualize NIRS data (6): plotAverage

This is the 6th post of the series: Handy programs to visualize NIRS data When we do an experiment, we often repeat an event (or block) for a few times. For example, in a typical finger tapping task, we ask the participants to do a finger tapping for
Xu Cui
55 sec read