Stork is my best research assistant

When I was a graduate student at Baylor College of Medicine, I found myself often in an embarrassing situation — I felt completely lost when my fellow graduate students heatedly discussed a paper in our field but I never heard of this publicati
Xu Cui
1 min read


我在Baylor College of Medicine读研究生的时候经常遇到一种尴尬局面,就是同学们在热烈讨论本领域某篇文献的时候,我一脸茫然 — 因为我压根就不知道这篇文章。回头Pub
Xu Cui
50 sec read

Stanford psychologist’s brain scanned in MRI for 18 months,…

When I was a graduate student in Baylor College of Medicine I participated in an “exercise and brain” study in our lab as a subject, and got my brain scanned every week for about 10 weeks. I thought it was crazy; but apparently it’s
Xu Cui
22 sec read

Comparison between NIRS and fMRI

I have a friend who has been using fMRI for more than 10 years and now a professor. He heard NIRS might be a good technology to measure human brain but knew little about it. So what is the difference between NIRS and fMRI? This is probably a common q
Xu Cui
43 sec read