Xu Cui

564 Stories by Xu Cui
We just developed an app that allows you to chat with ChatGPT, Claude, and Meta AI all at the same time! Imagine having three AI assistants by your side, ready to help you with anything you need. Compare their responses, learn from their differences,
硕士的时候经常听我室友说他们课题组例会交流的文献都是领域内最新的研究进展,导师上课时更是对这些研究如数家珍。 羡慕得我赶紧向她取经,她微微一笑,告诉我她们组都是通过文献鸟Stork来订阅文献,只需要输
Our ChatPaper is your best AI reading assistant. Now it has a new power – read two papers at the same time! To try or purchase, please visit the ChatPaper homepage To learn about other advanced features of Stork and membership, please click Ann
Youtube: https://youtu.be/t6x70qsUeUA优酷:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIxNDAxMjM2NA==.html 协作是合作最基
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好消息!今年双11期间(11/1-11/11)我们的年度会员有大幅优惠,从¥6999降到¥3499,可以使用所有的14项高级功能。 点击了解详情
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4qc5gCttpc&feature=youtu.be Youku: https://v.youku.com