fNIRS Tips, tutorials, code, examples
I found this photo today taken on April 1st, 2011. This was after I took a simultaneous fNIRS-fMRI experiment at Lucas Center, Stanford. This study required the participants to wear a cap with optical probes pointing on their heads. After the experim
Below is a list of NIH grants in the field of fNIRS in the past 10 years. The list is compiled by Pe
Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input dat
In the previous blog, we have used Stork’s big analysis to analyze the literature of fNIRS. At that time, Stork only analyzed the frequency of a single word (number indicates the number of occurences): near-infrared (1945) spectroscopy (1868) c
This is a guest post by Dr. Ning Liu from Stanford. 前些天 在用 NIRS_SPM批处理 做fNIRS脑图时,有几组数据总是报错(大约占总数的三分之
What’s the trend of fNIRS in brain research? Is the field growing or dying? Which country and which institute are the most productive? Who are the experts in the field and how can I contact them for collaboration? Which brain region(s) are most
Chunming Lu’s lab in Beijing Normal University has published a paper titled “Shared neural representations of syntax during online dyadic communication” in NeuroImage. This is another fNIRS hyperscanning study within a month (check
A group of scientists in East China Normal University has published a paper earlier this month titled “Dynamic interpersonal neural synchronization underlying pain-induced cooperation in females” in HBM. They studied how pain affected coo