Xu Cui



547 Stories by Xu Cui

Learn Peaya Paper in 5 minutes!

Learning Peaya Paper in 5 Minutes View more presentations from Xu Cui.
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Days of fear

Great post by Liz Elcoate. The following diagram by her describes my situation very well. No work + No money = Inertia + Paralysing fear + Panic = NIL productivity
2 5 sec read


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Games used in human brain research [3]

Go-Nogo game This game is fairly simple, but it’s very hard to get all correct. A subject sits in front of a computer. In the “go” block, a series of letters will appear one after another in the center of the screen. The subject has
3 50 sec read

Games used in human brain research [2]

Previous post “Games used in human brain research ” The finger tapping task mentioned in the last post is rather boring. How interesting it is to move fingers? So in this post I will talk about a more interesting task: competitive butt
0 1 min read

A trick to detect bad channel in NIRS data analysis

Some noise is easy to detect – simply plotting the time courses of NIRS signal, you will find the noise so out of range and you will discard the data. However, I find in some instances the noise level seems to be in the normal range but the dat
5 35 sec read

Games used in human brain research [1]

The vast majority of studies on the relationship between human brain and behavior try to answer the “where” question: Where in the brain are the regions that are responsible for a particular task? For example, where is the finger movement
0 1 min read

Funny video on lean startups

Found this funny video https://www.youtube.com/embed/3J9KhpgYVB0
0 2 sec read