
Stork’s Writing Assistant can rewrite an entire paragraph now

We just upgraded the Stork’s Writing Assistant. It now has the capability to rewrite entire paragraphs, not just one or two sentences. As the screenshot below shows, the Writing Assistant can generate a high-quality rewrite of a long paragraph
Xu Cui
4 min read


我们刚刚升级了文献鸟的写作助手高级功能。过去她每次只能改写一两个句子,现在可以改写整段句子了。从下面的截图可以看出,她不仅高质量地改写了一个较长的段落,并且还保留了原来的文献引用。 怎么才能使用呢?
Xu Cui
2 min read

Writing Assistant for scientists

Want to try? Follow this link  Have you ever found yourself in the following situations? rewriting and paraphrasing paragraphs copied from past papers and grants editing and rewriting manuscripts written by international collaborators or students loo
Xu Cui
3 min read


您是不是曾经遇到下面的场景? 写英文论文的时候,感觉词汇量贫乏,高频率使用本科或者以下的词汇 用中文思维写作,写出来的是中式英语(Chinglish) 用别人文章的原话,却不会改写,结果被警告有剽窃嫌
Xu Cui
2 min read


Xu Cui
2 sec read


该文章可以通过该链接完整阅读(包括图片。这些图片有时微信禁止转载)。 我们印象当中,发文章需要做大量的实验和分析。实验对象可以是原子、病毒,可以是疾病、人群,也可以是恒星、宇宙。可是,如果分析的对象是
Xu Cui
14 sec read

Where to put your web server if your users…

Our literature altert app Stork has many users in US and China. Our server is located in US West (silicon valley), and it’s been fast. But recently we got more and more complaints from China users that it’s slow to load our website and so
Xu Cui
1 min read

“You’re Not Important to Me but I Want To…

Like Steve Blank’s many other stories, this one is very interesting. Steve Blank is well known in startup community. He was a sucessful entrepreneur (co-founder of E.piphany), influential teacher, and very generous in giving advice to startup f
Xu Cui
33 sec read