fNIRS Tips, tutorials, code, examples
I usually write MatLab scripts to parse the behavior data collected in a fMRI or NIRS experiment. It’s powerful and flexible. But as I have to do an Excel version recently, I found Excel has a great advantage — it’s easy to share wi
Advantages cheaper portable (smaller) safe natural settings (e.g. real human interactions instead of computer presentation) high temporal resolution (10Hz) less sensitive to head motion clinically friendly less environment noise long time recording c
Also check out NIRS data analysis (GLM and visualization) Environment requirement MatLab SPM xTopo under xjView xjview is located in /fs/fmrihome/fMRItools/Xjview Add xjview to path by addpath(genpath('/fs/fmrihome/fMRItool
Also check out NIRS data analysis (time series) Environment requirement MatLab SPM 5 or 8 xjView 8 xjview can be downloaded for free from https://www.alivelearn.net/xjview/ (If you are inside CIBSR, xjview is located in /f
I wrote some batch scripts for NIRS-SPM. They, together with NIRS-SPM and xTopo, are called “super” package (I apparently run out of names). The “super” package are located in directory: /fs/quarry/cuixu/NIRS/super Please don&
being updated for v01_r14 … NIRS-SPM is a SPM5 and MATLAB-based software package for statistical analysis of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signals, developed at the Bio Imaging Signal Processing (BISP) lab. at KAIST in Korea. prepare files
Check out Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) Lab I take charge of: http://spnl.stanford.edu/tools/nirsCIBSR/nirsHome.htm NIRS allows you to measure neural activities on the surface of the brain. Some labs use NIRS to do brain-computer interface, i.e.