adobe air
You can get all applications from Adobe Marketplace Beautiful Design Employee Directory Elegant design. This application drives me to learn AIR. Adobe Media Player Elegant design Time 100 Desktop Nice design. Rotating globe, rotating pictures in 3D T
When you use mxmlc to compile files, you might encounter this error. You need to add source-path option: mxmlc -source-path C:/p/y/src/ -file-specs -debug=true
You set systemChrome=”none” but it still doesn’t work? You probably forget to set showFlexChrome="false"
You need to make sure you don’t call localToGlobal too early. If you call this function in creationComplete event of the application, you will probably fail.
I encounter this error in an AIR application which uses amfphp for remoting: The class {Amf3Broker} could not be found under the class path {/var/htdocs/amfphp/services/amfphp/Amf3Broker.php} I googled and found several links, but their suggestions d
Adobe Flex 3 Component Life Cycle View more presentations from rjowen.
因为写peaya paper的缘故,对Adobe的一些新技术有所了解,简单介绍几个吧: 1。stratus,rtmfp服务器,可以实现p2p网络电话,视频聊天。也可以做简单的游戏。现为beta,免费,
I’m using Peaya Paper to manage my papers: