My blog has a new look

48 sec read

I started blogging in about 2008. At that time I just started to develop my first startup product, a cloud reference manager for researchers called Peaya (then PaperBox) which unfortunately (or fortunately?) failed miserably later. At that time I was enthusiastic about a technology called “Adobe AIR” (which died later and that’s why I hate Adobe :)). Some sample applications built on Adobe AIR were just beautiful and I wanted my product to be that beautiful. So the first few blog posts were about how I learn the technology by dissecting a sample application called “Employee Directory”.

Later on I find it’s a good place to keep notes of my own research (fMRI / fNIRS) as well as other documents which help myself to remember what I did before. To my pleasant surprise, many people, especially in the fNIRS field, find them useful too.

Since it’s been more than 10 years, the style of the blog is outdated and is not mobile friendly. So today I updated the website (actually moved the server from Amazon cloud to linode, and also updated the operating system , now CentOS 8, and PHP 7.3, WordPress etc). I also use a new theme called Mediumish as I like Medium’s simplicity.

Below is a screenshot of the blog before updating, just for memory.

And now the new look:

Below is the old site again but with the full first page.


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也许我偶尔还是会想他 偶尔难免会惦记着他 就当他是个老朋友啊 也让我心疼也让我牵挂 只是我心中不再有火花 让往事都随风去吧 所有真心的痴心的话 仍在我心中 虽然已没有他 上大学的时候,不知道为什么我们
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