Xu Cui

564 Stories by Xu Cui
Assume CON14 is our subject ID and it is inside directory $SUBJECTS_DIR. After the display window and the control panel pops up, try playing with the menus and buttons. tkmedit for volume tkmedit CON14 rawavg.mgz tkmedit CON14 rawavg.mgz lh.pial -aux
Whitney Houston – I’ll Always Love You 说句心里话(囧版,英文版) The Lion King- Can You Feel The Lov
int in Adobe AIR takes value -2,147,483,648 (-2^31) to 2,147,483,647 (2^31-1). integer (primary key) in sqlite takes value -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2^63) to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2^63-1). (source)
Employee Directory is an AIR sample application from which I learned a lot. (try it) Here I post some of what I learned here. 1. introduction 2. structure 2.1 singleton 2.2 command 2.3 Cairngorm 3. ui 3.1 style 3.2 size 3.3 component 4. flow 5 events
When writing html, I frequently find I need to use the code for some characters. Here is the table http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_13.html
recon-all is a batch program and runs >30 steps. It easily takes 30 hours to finish one subject. Use tkmedit CON14 T1.mgz and tksurfer CON14 lh inflated to visualize images. More about visualization with freesurfer. Note: commands are in green. T
You may get a 303 error when trying to use custom icons in your AIR application (even when your icon files are in the right place). Solution: Assume you are using Flex Builder. First move your icon files out of your source directory (e.g. move to Des
blackScreen has a simple function: it makes your computer screen black every 30 min (changable) so you can walk around and relax your eyes. To install, go to Adobe AIR marketplace and click INSTALL NOW. Or, you can follow the steps below: Download an
Hardware settings In the “Projector source” panel, click “eprime” button to select Eprime as source. Always turn the knob to “SRBox” instead of “USBox”. Transfering data: You use gFTP to transfer data f