Xu Cui



545 Stories by Xu Cui

Spam email from gmail “User verification”

This is a spam. Don’t reply. from Gmail Support reply-to Gmail Support to date Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 10:13 PM subject User verification hide details 10:13 PM (13 minutes ago) The Gmail Team is working on total security on all accounts and because
0 24 sec read

Some plot functions for NIRS

1. plotTraces, plot a time series, or multiple time series on one plot, with vertical lines indicating the markers (events). Can be used for data quality check and global signal detection. 2. plotTopoMap, plot a map of activation. 3. plot2, scatter p
7 22 sec read

Android: Status Icon Meanings

0 1 sec read

Excel: how to fix a cell in formula?

Assume the formula is A1+B1, and you want to keep B1 fixed for other rows, then use A1 + $B$1
1 4 sec read

Convert images to matrix

Quite often you need to convert an image (or multiple images) to a MatLab matrix for further analysis and visualization (e.g. extracting time series, multivariate pattern analysis, etc). SPM provides handy functions for this: P = spm_select; % select
3 21 sec read

Wavelet Coherence

Wavelet transform coherence (WTC) is a method for analyzing the coherence and phase lag between two time series as a function of both time and frequency (Chang and Glover 2010). Here I played with it using the MatLab toolbox provided by Grinsted et a
18 1 min read


离家不远处有一条静静的小河 闲暇时我和孩子总有一段时光在那儿度过 清清的河水静静地流淌 只偶有几头到河边吃草的老牛慢慢走过 柔顺飘逸的苔丝和水草为小河装点了绿意 一群群小鱼在上面散步跳舞唱歌 思绪像随
0 0 sec read

Standard deviation and standard error

Standard deviation (std): standard deviation of the sample Standard error, or standard error of the mean (sem), is the standard deviation of the mean. \(sem=std/\sqrt{N}\) Most errorbars in scientific publications refer to standard error. Quite often
0 22 sec read

Interview with David Shelly

David is an amazing person: he has published 5 papers in Nature and 1 in Science, two of which were published this year. Check out what he says in Peaya interview (click the photo below).
0 9 sec read