fNIRS Tips, tutorials, code, examples
Hitachi provides a Matlab script (RealtimeOT.m) which can deliver real-time feedback from ETG-4000. This script is installed in the computer (Windows 2000) in the NIRS room. One can modify the script to deliver the real-time signal in the desired for
To synchronize NIRS recording and your stimuli (visual, auditory, button press etc), your presentation program needs to talk to the NIRS machine. Hitachi ETG4000 allows serial communication between the NIRS machine and an external computer. You can u
Both are on NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy). The first one is on how to detect NIRS activity earlier using multivariate (SVM) method; the 2nd one is a comprehensive comparison between NIRS and fMRI. Cui, Bray, Reiss (2010) Speeded Near Infrared Spe
1. plotTraces, plot a time series, or multiple time series on one plot, with vertical lines indicating the markers (events). Can be used for data quality check and global signal detection. 2. plotTopoMap, plot a map of activation. 3. plot2, scatter p
Wavelet transform coherence (WTC) is a method for analyzing the coherence and phase lag between two time series as a function of both time and frequency (Chang and Glover 2010). Here I played with it using the MatLab toolbox provided by Grinsted et a
We use TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.5 to read and write data from/to a TCPIP port. It’s fast and reliable. The version we use is 2.0.5. Below is a matlab sample script showing how to connect to another computer (called ETG-4000) with TCPIP : %Connect
Noise removal methods in NIRS can be divided into 4 categories: reducing noise based on its temporal characteristics: The instrument noise is usually in the high frequency band and thus can be removed by band pass filtering. Band pass filtering can a
Both E-prime and MatLab are popular tools for presenting stimuli for fMRI, NIRS and behavioral experiments. Here are a comparison between them. E-Prime MatLab + psychophysics toolbox price ~$1000 MatLab cost, $50-500 easy to use easy moderate need co
My desktop computer in the lab is a Mac Pro. I also installed Windows XP on this computer through VMWare. Windows XP (and 7, now windows 10 64bit) major working environment, including manuscript writing, data analysis, preparing presentation etc MS W