
NIRS data analysis (time series)

Also check out NIRS data analysis (GLM and visualization) Environment requirement MatLab SPM xTopo under xjView xjview is located in /fs/fmrihome/fMRItools/Xjview Add xjview to path by addpath(genpath('/fs/fmrihome/fMRItool
Xu Cui
1 min read

NIRS data analysis (GLM and visualization)

Also check out NIRS data analysis (time series) Environment requirement MatLab SPM 5 or 8 xjView 8 xjview can be downloaded for free from (If you are inside CIBSR, xjview  is located in /f
Xu Cui
3 min read

Why is temporal lobe called “temporal”

The name of “temporal lobe” follows “temporal bone”. But why “temporal”? The reason is that when people get old, the first region in the head which grows white hair is this region (see picture below). Thus this reg
Xu Cui
12 sec read

batch script for NIRS-SPM

I wrote some batch scripts for NIRS-SPM. They, together with NIRS-SPM and xTopo, are called “super” package (I apparently run out of names). The “super” package are located in directory: /fs/quarry/cuixu/NIRS/super Please don&
Xu Cui
1 min read

10-20 system for brain area location

10-20 system is a method to localize brain areas. It uses 4 landmarks of head: 1  the nasion which is the point between the forehead and the nose; 2  the inion which is the lowest point of the skull from the back of the head and is normally indicated
Xu Cui
29 sec read

Statistical type II error (beta), and power

Even though I learned power analysis in elementary statistics class, I totally forget it because I never use it. As we have to put power analysis in our grant, I am forced to relearn this topic. Definition: type II error: null hypothesis should be re
Xu Cui
1 min read

Why choose this book? Chinese version 如何做出選擇?

Read’s book, Why choose this book, was pubilshed in traditional Chinese recently. Here is a link: Simplified Chinese version is hopefully coming.
Xu Cui
4 sec read

Two games, iterative thinking

1. The smallest unique number The host asks each of a large number of participants to write down a positive integer. The person whose number is unique and smallest wins. If you were one of the participant, which number do you write? e.g. If the numbe
Xu Cui
26 sec read