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  1. 写英文论文的时候,感觉词汇量贫乏,高频率使用本科或者以下的词汇
  2. 用中文思维写作,写出来的是中式英语(Chinglish)
  3. 用别人文章的原话,却不会改写,结果被警告有剽窃嫌疑
  4. 即使留学多年,还是不能用英语随心所欲地表达自己的想法
  5. 如果您是老师,看到学生的英语论文后心里吐血
  6. 如果您是学生,被导师骂英语太差
  7. 老是在语法上出错,比如忘了冠词,或者分不清 that 和 which 之间的区别
  8. 投稿的时候,编辑建议你修改英语
  9. 写英文论文的时候,先写中文然后翻译。翻译后的英文感觉还是中式英语
  10. 写英文电子邮件的时候,邮件显得很不得体




原文:good good study, day day up

改后:It is beneficial to study regularly and make continuous progress.

然后再看一个典型的中式英语。据说一位中国留学生目睹了一场车祸,警察问他怎么回事,他描述到:one car come one car go, two car pengpeng one car die。他甚至不知道碰撞这个词怎么说,就用象声词”砰砰”代替。

原文:one car come one car go, two car pengpeng one car die

改后:One car arrives and another car leaves; two cars collide and one car is destroyed.


原文:Smoking is harmful to your body.

改后:Smoking is detrimental to one’s health.

另外,中文习惯于主观思维,而英文更倾向于客观思维。比如(Wang 2012)

原文:I suddenly got a good idea.

改后:It suddenly occurred to me that this would be a good idea.



原文:Because bad weather, we cancel the trip.

改后:Due to the inclement weather, we have been forced to cancel the excursion.

在这个例子中,原文用”bad”形容天气,虽然没有错误,但是却过于普通。修改后用了inclement(恶劣的),一下子就让句子变得高大上起来。同时,trip也被改成了excursion,because(其实应该是 because of)改成了更适合的due to等,这些都让句子变成了地道的书面英语。

原文:fNIRS is better than fMRI because it’s cheap and easy to carry.

改后:fNIRS is more affordable and portable than fMRI, making it a more practical option for many people.

在这个例子中,原文试图比较两种脑科学技术(fNIRS和fMRI),说fNIRS在价格和方便性上有优势。但是选词过于口语化(cheap、easy to carry)。修改成 affordable 和 portable 后就变成了正式书面英语。

原文:The teacher’s encouragement made me want to do better in my study.

改后:The teacher’s support motivated me to strive for better grades.

在这个例子中,原文用了 make 和 want 这样的词。因为词汇贫乏,make 以及 want 是中国学生用得最多的词之一了。修改成 motivate 和 strive 后就好多了。


中国学生在写英语的时候,常犯的语法错误包括:(1)忽略了冠词(a、an、the),(2)which 和 that 不分,(3)特殊名字的单复数(比如faculty),(4)拼写错误等。我们看看写作助手能不能发现并改正这些错误。

原文:We used device purchased from X company to measure light intensity.

改后:We used a device purchased from X company to measure light intensity.

原文:Our of 100 samples, we selected 54 which showed blue.

改后:Out of 100 samples, we selected 54 that showed blue.

原文:5 faculty from our university attended the confrence.

改后:Five faculty members from our university attended the conference.




原文:Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in China and around the world.【Liang 2019】

改后:Lung cancer is responsible for more cancer deaths than any other type of cancer globally, including in China.

原文:Robots fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are expected to advance significantly over the next years and foster a key element of future societies.【Karnouskos 2021】

改后:It is anticipated that robots powered by Artificial Intelligence will make considerable progress in the coming years, playing a vital role in future societies.

原文:The use of environmental taxes is a tool for the optimal allocation of resources to increase social welfare. 【Norouzi 2022】

改后:Environmental taxes are an effective means of allocating resources to improve social welfare.



我们在写英文的时候,另一个常犯的错误是一个句子太长。在中文中一个句子可以包含许多内容,但是如果直接翻译成英文就不符合英语的习惯。下面的例子来自 Felicia Brittma 的文章。

原文:According to the characteristic of fan-coil air-conditioning systems, this paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on heat transfer theories and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling named Cooling Metering on the Airside, which can monitor the individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition – temperature and humidity – of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of inlet cooling water provided by the chiller.

改后:The cooling formula of fan-coil units is derived from heat transfer theories. A new method, Cooling Metering on the Airside, is put forward to gauge cooling. The individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time can be monitored by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition – temperature and humidity – of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of inlet cooling water provided by the chiller.




原文:internet, too many opinions, conflict, no listen to each other, polarized

改后:The internet has brought about a deluge of opinions, which has lead to increased conflict as people struggle to be heard. Instead of listening to each other, people have become polarized, only valuing opinions that confirm their own.

原文:fNIRS, good; fMRI, worse in cost

改后:fNIRS is a more cost-effective option than fMRI for studying brain activity.

原文:11 participants, 4 male 7 female, all right-handed, mean age 23.5.

改后:A total of 11 right-handed individuals (4 males, 7 females), with an average age of 23.5 years, participated in the study.




改后:Some Song Dynasty literati advocated for reform, but their ideas were too radical for many people.


改后:The occurrence of influenza was studied in a township’s resident population.

原文:fnirs 越来越流行。fnirs相对fmri,有几个优势。so, fnirs 在多个领域 has many unique 应用

改后:The popularity of FNIRS is increasing due to its advantages over fMRI. FNIRS has several unique applications in various fields.



原文:The sun has the following planets

续写:The sun has the following planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

原文:Immunotherapy is effective in treating cancers. The cancers that have been treated using immunotherapy include

续写:Immunotherapy is effective in treating cancers. The cancers that have been treated using immunotherapy include melanoma, lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and head and neck cancer.

原文:Internet addiction among adolescents is a serious problem and causing

改后:Internet addiction among adolescents is a serious problem and causing great concern to parents, teachers and health professionals.




原文:My name is Ming from X University. I admire your work. I want to study under you next year. Is it OK?

改后:I am Ming, a student from X University. I have been following your work and I am very impressed. I would like to study under your mentorship and learn from you next year. Would that be possible?




  1. 让写地道的英文论文变得容易
  2. 把中式英语改成符合英语习惯的标准英语
  3. 把自己的思想用纯正的英语清晰地表达出来


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如果要免费试用, 您可以申请体验版 


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文献鸟的句海高级功能里包含了数亿级的科学文献原句,我们不仅可以在这里发掘出更为丰富的英文表达,找到支撑论点的坚实论据,还能对比分析不同的研究方法等等。 为了方便大家更直观地浏览和利用这些资源,文献鸟对
Wanling Zhu
5 sec read

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