fNIRS Tips, tutorials, code, examples
Let’s be frank. Compared to fMRI, NIRS has a number of intrinsic weaknesses. The signal to noise ratio is lower, the spatial resolution is (10x) lower, it can’t measure the deep brain, and it only covers a portio
This article is a guest post by Rui Chen. An English version can be downloaded here 对于信号的分析,不论是脑电的数据
Google just launched a new search engine: Google Dataset search. With this app, scientists can search public datasets published in scientific journals (and possibly other sources). According to Google, “Dataset Search enables users to find data
This is a guest post by Ning Liu from Stanford University. Temporal resolution provides information on the distance of time between the acquisitions of two images (data) of the same area. It is the reciprocal of sampling rate (or acquisition rate) of
This is a guest post by Ning Liu from Stanford University. – A basic block design includes two conditions: task condition and control condition. The two conditions present alternatively, thus is also called ‘AB block’ (Fig. 1A). This design assumes t
本文作者是斯坦福大学刘宁 传统的组块设计(block design)通常包括两种组块: 任务组块和控制组块,又被称为“AB block”设计(如图1A)。这种设计基于一个假设: 两种组块条件下的意识态
This is a guest post by Ning Liu from Stanford University. — For someone who has no imaging background and just began to use fNIRS, s/he might be surprised to find out that the imaging study design is so different with study designs in other fi
本文作者是斯坦福大学刘宁 对于一个近红外初学者,特别是没有任何脑成像背景的初学者,他们往往没有想到脑成像的实验设计和别的学科的实验设计,诸如行为科学或者生物实验等有很大不同。通过一些文献阅读或者相关培
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