
brain images: convert between different formats

For single file to single file conversion, you usually use mri_convert of freesurfer. For example mri_convert x.img y.nii Other options would be LONI Debabeler or MRICro. Here are some special cases: multiple 3D ANALYZE to a single 4D Nifti: mri_conc
Xu Cui
1 min read

fslmerge: convert 3D ANALYZE to Nifti

/fs/quarry/cuixu/fsl/fslmerge -t f I_???.* On my computer, it doesn’t convert to .nii file; but to a single img/hdr pair. This method won’t be used. Instead, I use freesurfer’s mri_concat now. See here.
Xu Cui
8 sec read