Just published a paper: Men vs Women, are they different in cooperation?

43 sec read

We just published a big and long study. It is a NIRS hyperscanning study aiming to investigate the brain difference between men and women during cooperation. We have scanned 222 people! And it is one of the largest NIRS study I have seen. And it is a long study. The project started in 2012 (today is 2016/6/13). You can imagine how long it took to collect and analyze the data, and to get the paper published!

After a series of rejections (Nature -> Journal of Neuroscience -> PNAS -> NeuroImage), this paper was finally published in Scientific Reports this month (2016/06). The full-text of this paper is accessible via PubMed Central.

A cooperation game
Two lab members are playing the cooperation game

After the paper was published, it has attracted a lot of media attention. For example, Stanford news center has reported “Study finds differences in male, female brain activity when it comes to cooperation” (below).

Stanford News Center
Stanford News Center

Two major contributors of this study are Ning Liu and Joe Baker.

Ning Liu
Ning Liu
Joe Baker
Joe Baker


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