Xu Cui



548 Stories by Xu Cui


PaperBox是一款优秀的云端文献管理软件,许多顶尖名校(斯坦福大学,哈佛,北大清华等)的学生和教授(包括美国科学院院士)都在使用。和传统的文 献管理软件(比如endnote等)不同,您可以为她安装
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文献这件事其实挺烦人的。但是做研究少不了读文献,写文章少不了引用文献。我给大家推荐个软件可以非常有效地完成这些事情。 PaperBox有些类似EndNote,但有下面的特点: 基于云(Cloud-ba
15 9 sec read

Recommending a free reference manager, PaperBox

Reference managing is pretty annoying. But you can’t do research without reading papers, and can’t write manuscript without citing papers. Here I recommend a program which will effectively solve this problem. PaperBox (http://www.paper-box.co/) is li
0 1 min read


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PaperBox for teachers

Share readings with your students easily PaperBox for teachers from Xu Cui
0 2 sec read

Artinis’ PortaLite

Note: I am not affiliated with Artinis and they don’t pay me for this post. If you also sell portable NIRS device and would like to demo to me, I am happy to see it. Marco, the salesman of Artinis, gave me a demo of their wireless/portable NIRS
2 50 sec read

Find anatomical location of a list of MNI coordinates

Quite often you need to know what is the brain structure (anatomical name) of a given coordinate, say (-8, 2, 6)? Is there a program for this? The answer is yes. Please download the following matlab script: cuixufindstructure.m This program requires
20 31 sec read

Learning PaperBox in 2 minutes

PaperBox is a cloud reference manager ideal for labs and teams to collaborate. Get it here: http://www.peaya.com/paperbox Learning PaperBox in 2 minutes from Xu Cui
0 6 sec read