fNIRS Journal Club

22 sec read

We have an online fNIRS Journal Club in the end of each month. For the last journal club on March 21st, the presenter was Dr. Yafeng Pan. Yafeng received his Ph.D in East China Normal University and is a postdoc at Karolinska Institutet. He has published more than 8 papers on hyperscanning.

Yafeng Pan

The paper Yafeng presented is a hyperscanning study on teacher-student pairs. The paper can be found at:

Pan, Dikker, Goldstein, Zhu, Yang, Hu (2020) Instructor-learner brain coupling discriminates between instructional approaches and predicts learning NeuroImage 211, 116657

There are about 75 people attended the journal club.

To download the presentation, please click the button below:


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第五十四期fNIRS Journal Club通知2024/07/27, 10am 黄鑫

Wanling Zhu
10 sec read

第五十三期fNIRS Journal Club视频 李洪

Youtube: https://youtu.be/czyJTrXhees优酷:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQwNjc5OTk0OA==.html 个体在处理不同
Wanling Zhu
12 sec read

第五十三期fNIRS Journal Club通知2024/06/22, 10am 李洪

Wanling Zhu
8 sec read

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