
本文作者是刘宁博士 作者简介:刘宁,塔夫斯大学生物医学工程博士(Tufts University),斯坦福大学脑科学方向科研人员。 Frontiers 杂志客座编辑(Guest Associate Editor for Fronti
Xu Cui
11 sec read

nirs2img, create an image file from NIRS data

Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input data. Then theimage file can be viewed by a
Xu Cui
51 sec read

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code highlighter

The code highlighter used in this blog is SyntaxHighlighter Plus. It’s quite easy to set it up. (1) download and unzip to wp-content/plugins (2) activate it. Note: css style for SyntaxHighlighter is shlfiles/SyntaxHighlighter.css under this plu
Xu Cui
26 sec read

Life is learning

/** * Life is learning * So, */ while(alive) { learn; }
Xu Cui
2 sec read

Learning Employee Directory 2.3 Cairngorm

Return to table of contents
Xu Cui
1 sec read

Learning Employee Directory 5.2 event clone

Return to table of contents ED’s custom events don’t override the clone() method: it doesn’t need because the events are never redispatched. When I test one of my applications I kept getting the following error: Error #1034: Type Co
Xu Cui
22 sec read

mymvc: Adobe AIR (Flex) application framework

update: Checkout MyMVC official website. —- I find software architecture is quite an interesting topic as I am learning it. A program is like an organization — how to assemble units such that the entire program is “good”? By &
Xu Cui
3 min read

Learning Employee Directory 5. Events

Return to table of contents ED defines 4 custom events,CommandCompleteEventCommandProgressEventDataSynchronizationEventSelectedItemChangeEvent The main job of these custom events seems to define constant (say public static const COMPLETE : String = &
Xu Cui
23 sec read

Learning Employee Directory 2.2 Commands

Return to table of contents All command classes are inherited from class Command. By name, commands perform something. Every command has execute() which does the job, and emits progress and complete event, and possibly error event. The base class, Co
Xu Cui
33 sec read

Learning Employee Directory 3.3 Component

Return to table of contents 1. CustomAutoComplete This component can be very useful. It pops up a list of suggestions based on characters entered by the user. This is a very simple example on how to use it: <controls:CustomAutoComplete id="se
Xu Cui
30 sec read

Learning Employee Directory 4. Flow

Return to table of contents After the application is initialized, Event “applicationComplete” is dispatched and the following function is called: // in employeedirectory.mxml ui.init(); Go to ApplicationUI.mxml, we find ui.init() issues t
Xu Cui
10 sec read