Can you find any pattern in the two signals, green and blue? The blue signal is the brain wave (measured by NIRS) of a person when he is pressing some buttons (the timing of button pressing is shown i
Wavelet transform coherence (WTC) is a method for analyzing the coherence and phase lag between two time series as a function of both time and frequency (Chang and Glover 2010). Here I played with it
SVM is mostly commonly used for binary classifications. But one branch of SVM, SVM regression or SVR, is able to fit a continuous function to data. This is particularly useful when the predicted varia
Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input data. Then theimage file can be viewed by a
Return to table of contents CSS is very convenient to control the appearance of the user interface. Let’s see the following code snippet inside employeedirectory.css too see how to use styling. .appHelpButton { up-skin: Embed("/embed_asset
Return to table of contents When I downloaded and launched ED, I was impressed by its elegant user interface. So how is implemented? The relevant files are: And the hierarchy of UI is shown below. I expand each custom component (except EmployeeView a
Return to table of contents While most other Adobe AIR sample applications have only a single mxml file, ED has many folders and files. Here is the structure of the source code: We can see that the codes are grouped in different folders. The hierarch
Return to table of contents When I ran Employee Directory (ED) for the first time I was instantly impressed by its elegance. But when I started to read the code I found myself totally lost. While most other sample or tutorial applications provided by
Return to table of contents Here are some links about Employee Directory (ED). author’s (Daniel Wabyick) blog Adobe AIR sample webpage (download ED and its source here)