
本文作者是刘宁博士 作者简介:刘宁,塔夫斯大学生物医学工程博士(Tufts University),斯坦福大学脑科学方向科研人员。 Frontiers 杂志客座编辑(Guest Associate Editor for Fronti
Xu Cui
11 sec read

nirs2img, create an image file from NIRS data

Update 2021/2/27: If you find griddata3 not working, try to change griddata3 to griddata. I was asked where to get nirs2img script. Here it is. The download link is at the bottom of this article. nirs2img is to create an image file from the input data. Then theimage file can be viewed by a
Xu Cui
51 sec read

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Amf3Broker error and fix

I encounter this error in an AIR application which uses amfphp for remoting: The class {Amf3Broker} could not be found under the class path {/var/htdocs/amfphp/services/amfphp/Amf3Broker.php} I googled and found several links, but their suggestions d
Xu Cui
29 sec read

IE doesn’t connect but firefox can. How to fix?

Go to Control Panel, Internet Options, click on the Connections tab; click the LAN Settings button and check ‘Automatically detect settings’.
Xu Cui
4 sec read

NIRS data analysis (time series)

Also check out NIRS data analysis (GLM and visualization) Environment requirement MatLab SPM xTopo under xjView xjview is located in /fs/fmrihome/fMRItools/Xjview Add xjview to path by addpath(genpath('/fs/fmrihome/fMRItool
Xu Cui
1 min read

NIRS data analysis (GLM and visualization)

Also check out NIRS data analysis (time series) Environment requirement MatLab SPM 5 or 8 xjView 8 xjview can be downloaded for free from https://www.alivelearn.net/xjview/ (If you are inside CIBSR, xjview  is located in /f
Xu Cui
3 min read

Why is temporal lobe called “temporal”

The name of “temporal lobe” follows “temporal bone”. But why “temporal”? The reason is that when people get old, the first region in the head which grows white hair is this region (see picture below). Thus this reg
Xu Cui
12 sec read

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

You can find the text here. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’
Xu Cui
19 sec read

Paper accepted by PLoS Biol.

Just got to know last night that our ready-go paper is accepted by PLoS Biology. Even better, they also commissioned a Primer article to highlight the paper. This is such a relief after 2.5 years of submission-review-rejection cycle.
Xu Cui
7 sec read